Invention Licensing
You have the beginnings of a new invention in your head, however, unlike Archimedes, inventors today need help. We are here for you! We are an invention-licensing firm that will recognize your genius and help you take the next step–a patent and investment to make your dream come true. Here is how we go about it:
Step #1
We know the light bulb above your head is busy lighting up the world and we want you to tell us what it is all about! The first step would be for us to sit down together and have you explain the wonder that your idea is. We want to know every detail!
Step #2
We call this step the initial patent search. A rudimentary search that will make sure no one else has patented your idea, whether through inventions, even artwork, or a design.
Step #3
Researching the market is the next logical step. Under our guidance, you will discover the market value/need for your idea. Once you are certain, there is a market, the next step is to check if your invention can be manufactured and distributed at a low cost. Comparison of similar products currently in the market will give you an idea, as well as let you size up the competition.
Step #4
This step is optional and will help you in perfecting your idea. If you don’t have a prototype, then after we have successfully completed the trifecta above, will we advise you to move on to the next step–building a prototype. A prototype is a model of your invention, demonstrating its design and innovativeness. We will be right there with you, if you discover the room for improvements in your original design or think of add-ons.
Do not be disheartened, if you do not currently have the budget to build a prototype of your invention. We still want to know how it works and what makes it tick!
With our experienced team, we are ready to help you find your foothold in the invention industry. Our services improve each time we help a client and we will continue to better them in the future. We understand that each invention is special and our services are designed to suit the individual needs of our clients. Nobody else would be as happy to bask in the spotlight of your glory as we would. Come invent with us!
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